
  See OECD, Service Providers on the Move: Mutual Recognition Agreements, TD/TC/WP (2002)48/FINAL, Feb. 6, 2003, pp. 14-15.
部长级会议和总理事会决策的范围仅限于与《WTO协定》、多边贸易协议和诸边贸易协议的实施、管理和运作有关的事项。See WTO Agreement, Art. 3 (1).
在专家组审理程序中,专家组应当对该案件的事实以及有关协议的相关性和一致性等审理事项作出客观的评价;在上诉机构审理程序中,上诉应限于专家组报告涉及的法律问题和专家组作出的法律解释。See Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes, Arts. 11 and 17 (6).
   See World Trade Organization, Notification Pursuant to Article VII:4 of the General Agreement on Trade in Services, S/C/N/43, Mar. 24, 1997. 该协议已于1993年1月1日生效。 
   See World Trade Organization, Notification Pursuant to Article VII:4 of the General Agreement on Trade in Services, S/C/N/50, Jan. 28, 1997. 德国与美国的相互承认协议已于1994年5月4日生效,德国与日本的相互承认协议已于1995年12月21日生效。 
   当时,列支敦士登只允许受瑞士保险监管机构监管的保险公司在其境内设立机构。2005年6月22日,在新一轮的服务贸易出价中,列支敦士登取消了上述限制。See World Trade Organization, Liechtenstein-Revised Offer, TN/S/O/LIE/Rev. 1, July 20, 2005. 
   See World Trade Organization, Notification Pursuant to Article VII:4 of the General Agreement on Trade in Services, S/C/N/75, Aug. 14, 1998. 该协议已于1998年7月9日生效。 
See North America Free Trade Agreement, Chapter 14. 
   Draft Agreement of Free Trade Area of the Americas, Text on Financial Services, Art. 3.2.
See DG Trade .E. 3, The Transatlantic Economic Partnership Overview and Assessment, Oct. 2000, Part. II.2.
A. B. Zampetti, Mutual Access through Mutual Recognition: The Promise and Limits of GATS Article VII, in P. Sauvé & R. M. Stern eds., GATS 2000: New Directions in Services Trade Liberalization, The Brooking Institution Press, 2000, p. 282.
A. Mattoo, Comment on Part Three, in P. Sauvé & R. M. Stern eds., GATS 2000: New Directions in Services Trade Liberalization, The Brooking Institution Press, 2000, p. 320.

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