

The Money Idea of Marx Is Realized By ‘Rule Of Wealth In States’


‘Money for people’ is an idea brought forward by Marx at 1847, and realized by ‘Rule Of Wealth In States’ published in 2004. Though there are too many theories about economic crisis in 138 years past to tide up, the greatest contributions made by Irving.Fisher and Keynes are clear to world. The question of economic crisis,whose answer glimpsed by Marx but misunderstood by planned economic system is ‘money for people’, is a real question of criterion to which money extending obeyed. Milton Friedman is the first man in the world to take people as one criterion in the criterions of money. According to his great study of money, ‘money for people’ come true partly and material money theory become a mixing money theory with material&people. While ‘rule of wealth in states’ take ‘people money model’ as a model to annihilate economic cycles, it is our time to fulfill Marxism, to annihilate unemployment, underproduction and overproduction both in theory and practice.
Marxism; Irving.Fisher; Keynes; Milton Friedman; money; Rule Of Wealth In States


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