【注释】 在此特别感谢美国宪法学专家Professor Elizabeth Spahn (New England School of Law) 在她与笔者的信件中对此问题上的解释。鉴于美国各州情形并不完全一致,她信中表述观点既是一种普遍理论,也是一种经验做法。因此,笔者将其来函的部分原文引用如下,以资佐证:
Generally in a constitutional common law system, the original power to define public good would be in the legislature (Congress at the federal level, or state legislatures).Normally a statute passed by the legislature would define public good.Sometimes an administrative agency might have received power from the legislative statute to issue additional interpretations or regulations further explaining the legislative intent in defining public good. But the administrative agency cannot change the meaning of the statute, or go against the legislatures intent.
The courts would then apply the legislative (and administrative if any) interpretations of public good to a specific factual dispute. Normally the administrative agency would not apply the statute to a specific dispute where the government is taking private property. This would be done by the courts.Sometimes in order to apply the meaning of public good, the judges would have to interpret the statute or administrative regulations, but the judges would not go against the intent of the legislature or the administrative agency.