Construction of the System of Public Law Procedure about the Right, Privilege and Entitlement of Private Party
Compared with the studies on the public law procedure rules about public power owner, studies on the procedure rules about private party are feeble. However, the latter is very important for protecting rights, privileges and entitlements of private parties. The system of public law procedure about the right, privilege and entitlement of private party includes procedure rules of the creation, the exertion and the redress of rights, privileges and entitlements, and the degrees of maturity of these three kinds of rules are different. The aim of constructing the uniform system is to found and strengthen the idea about the right, privilege and entitlement of private party of public law, and then to ensure private parties to own and exert their rights, privileges and entitlements.
public power owner; private party of public law; right, privilege, entitlement; the system of public law procedure
公法规范体系按照其规定的具体内容的不同可以划分为实体规范和程序规范。[1] 在公法程序规范方面的研究,目前多侧重于公权力主体方面,实际的法律规范也比较侧重于规制公权力主体行使公权力的方式、步骤、期限等程序问题;而对于公权力相对人权利[2]的程序性规范的研究是相对薄弱的,这与目前的公法体系在这方面规定的分散化及部分程序规范的缺失是相辅相成的。如果只有关于公权力相对人的权利的实体规范,而对于这些权利具体怎样产生、行使、救济、监督的程序没有规定,即缺少关于具体操作方式、步骤、期限的规范,那么这些实体规范无疑是一堆没有意义的条文,其确立的权利无疑是看得到却摸不着的“水中月”、“镜中花”。例如,《
九十条第二款规定了社会组织和公民对于行政法规、地方性法规、自治条例和单行条例的违宪审查建议权,但对于社会组织和公民怎么行使这项权利,缺少具体的程序规定,[3] 导致此权利基本无法行使。[4] “赋予公民违宪审查的提起建议权意义固然重大,但如果仅是有提起而无受理,或无审查、无确认、无处理,则公民的提起权事实上形同虚设。”[5] 当然,公法程序“规范”绝不仅仅是成文法,也可以是“惯例”等非成文法。不过从目前的情况来看,非成文的规范比成文规范还要少。[6]