[4] See Etienne Bartin,“La théorie des qualifications en droit international privé”, In:Études de Droit International Privé.Chevalier-Marescq,Paris 1899,reprint in: P Pincone and W Wengler,Internationales Privatrecht,Darmstadt 1974,pp.346-374.
[5] P-F Gonidec and M A Glele,“Les Conflits de Droits”,supra 433.
[6] Arrét Rivière,Civ.Ire,17.4.53,Clunet 1953,860;arrét Lewandowski,Civ.Ire 15.3.1955.D.
[7] Ward v Kinswin ,(1626) Latch 77;Di Fernando v Simon,Smits and Co.Ltd,[1920] 3KB 409 (CA),南非法院在 Barry Colne and Co Ltd v Jackson’s Ltd,1922 CPD 372 和 Voest Alpine Intertrading Gesellschaft MBH v Burwill & Co SA (Pty) Ltd 1985 (2) SA 149 (W)两案中盲目地遵循了该判例。
[8] Schorsch GmbH v Hennin (1975) Q.B.416 and Milangos v Georg Frank(Textiles) Ltd,1976 AC 443.澳大利亚法院在Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg Aktengesellschaft v Altikar Pty.Ltd [1984] 3 NSWLR 152中遵循了这些判例。关于加拿大的情况参见在1985年经过修正的《法院司法法》第131条的规定(see s 131 Courts Justice Act as amended in 1985)。在美国的情况,参见Sodivin v Pratrex Imports,83,Civ 6478 and Vishipco Lim,et al v Chase Manhatten Bank,660 F 2d 854(2d Cir,1981)cert denied,456 US 924 (1982).
[9] Elgin Brown and Hamer (Pty) Ltd v Dampskibsselkabet Torm Ltd 1988 4 SA 671 (N) 673 A-G;Barclays Bank of Swaziland Ltd v Mnyeketi supra 432 B-C,relying on SA Eagle Insurance Co Ltd v Hartley 1990 4 SA 833 (A) 839 G-H.
[10] Sperling v Sperling 1975 (3) SA 707 (A).
[11] 有学者支持这一观点:G Bamodu,“International Law,Unification and Harmonization of International Commercial Law in Africa”,in vol.38 (2) 1994 Journal of African Law,125-143,at 136.
[12] 例如,参见:Heinrich,“Die neuere Entwicklung des Wechsel-und Schekrechts in Brasilien,Probleme der Ubernahme des Genfer Einheitsrechts”,48 (1984) RabelsZ 372.
[13] J Goldring,“The Unification and Harmonization of the Rules of Law”,9 (1978) Federal Law Review,284 at 318.
[14] See R David,“The International Unification of Private Law”, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law,vol Ⅱ,Chap 5,Tübingen,Paris,New York 1972,pp.133-148 and 197 et seq.
[15] A Chaves, 还可参见1889和1940年的蒙得维的亚公约( the conventions of Montevideo of 1889 and 1940),以及在1975年在巴拿马会议上采纳的公约(the Panama Conference in 1975),see: Samtleben,“Die Anwendung des Código Bustamante in Venezuela, 39(1975) RabelsZ 478;Para-Aranguren,Codification del Dereche International Privado en America,Caracas 1982; and the further reference in G Kegel Internationales Privatrecht Sed Munich 1985,147 et seq.