
  It was also pointed out by a member from Japan that Interpol is very useful in the exchange of information among member states.
  From 1982 to 1991 for example,Japan National Police Agency received general information from ICPO in 71,629 cases and investigated 3,63 1 cases through Interpol initiated by National Police Agency.
  However,the member expressed doubt on the admissibility of information or evidence obtained from foreign countries through Interpol in Japanese courts for reasons explained earlier(supra).In Thailand such evidence is admissible because courts do not strictly apply hearsay rule,regarding this kind of evidence and may take judicial notice as public documents.
  The group emphasized the need for international cooperation in the exchange of information through Interpol and pointed out that differences in the legal system can be solved by revising domestic laws in conformity with the model treaty on mutual assistance which under Article 14 allows availability of persons to give evidence or assist in investigations in the contracting states.
  (5)Regional Meetings between Law Enforcing Agencies of Neighboring States
  In the absence of formal legal treaties,experience has shown that regional meetings between law enforcing agencies also play a big role in promoting cooperation and mutual understanding between states.
  In Africa for example,regular annual meetings between chiefs of police of Tanzania,Zambia,Zimbabwe,Angola,Mozambique,Botswana cross-border crimes are held to discuss affecting their countries and adopting joint program of action.
  Through these meetings,resolutions on mutual assistance are adopted and implemented by member states.Through this cooperation,property like motor vehicles stolen in one state and recovered in the other,are returned to the original owner in the country where the vehicle was stolen. There has been constant exchange of information and intelligence on criminals and the modus operandi adopted by these criminals on various crimes,etc.
  Regional meetings between SAARC Countries(Bangladesh,Bhutan,India,Nepal, Pakistan,Sri Lanka and Maldives)have also promoted good mutual understanding between these countries and mutual assistance on various matters relating to criminal matters is provided upon agreements reached thereto.
  Singapore,Malaysia and Indonesia are also good examples where regional meetings have promoted good cooperation in the exchange of information and intelligence relating to cross border crimes affecting these countries.
  A special conference known as “Multinational Asian Organized Crime Conference” was held in San Francisco,USA.in 1991 to discuss the control of organized crime.Representatives of eleven countries attended,which were Japan,USA.,Canada, Thailand,New Zealand,Australia,Hong K0ng,Korea,the Netherlands,Malaysia and Singapore.A similar conference is expected to be held in February 1993.The group recommends that our recommendations should be raised in this conference for further discussion.
  There have been other meetings or conferences between countries of Asia and the Pacific Region in which Japan and China have participated in discussions relating to organized crime and crackdown on narcotic drugs.
  Countries in the Organization of American States(O.E.D.)of which Colombia is a member,also meet to discuss and resolve problems.One of the main points likely for discussion in these international meetings is the free smuggling of firearms and the control of chemicals exported from foreign countries for use in cocaine processing.
  Thailand and India have also participated in meetings held by the Afro-Asian Association to discuss generally legal mutual assistance.In addition,Thailand has held meetings with USA.and UK.relating to the control and confiscation of proceeds of crime,investigation techniques in offences relating to counterfeit of credit cards,etc.
  There is a great need to intensify regional cooperation through constant meetings in order to coordinate efforts and stimulate discussions on matters of mutual concern.
  Ⅲ.Conclusion and Recommendations
  After a series of discussions among group members on different issues and topics relating to international cooperation,the group workshop resolved that,as there is a rapid increase in transnational organized crime,there is a great need for a collective response by the international community and greater cooperative efforts by governments in order to combat organized crime effectively.No single government at present can deal by itself with the problem of organized crime.
  For this and other reasons the group recommends as follows:
  (1)The United Nations,in its crime prevention and criminal justice program should continue to devise strategies which would assist member states in the development of measures to deal with organized crime effectively.
  (2)In order to fight organized crimes with coordinated efforts states should enter into bilateral or multilateral treaties geared at suppressing organized crimes.Negative attitudes caused by lack of urgent necessity among states must be abandoned.
  (3)Countries should as much as possible modernize or modify their domestic laws to meet international concepts for more effective and appropriate measures against organized crimes.This modification should include such areas as:
  (a)Surrender of property acquired as a result of the offence or which may be required as evidence if extradition of an offender is allowed (Art.13 of the model treaty on extradition).
  (b)Non-admissibility of evidence recorded in foreign countries(e.g.testimony or statements)could be solved if countries relax the strict application of hearsay rule.So that statements of this kind acquire admissibility provided the genuineness of the statement is established.

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