【注释】 ①约翰·罗尔斯:《正义论》,中国社会科学出版社1988年版,第80-83页。
②关于英美学者对程序正义问题的研究情况,读者可参见D. J. Galligan主编的“Procedure”(1990 by Dartmouth Publishing Company Limited)以及 J. Roland Pennok与john W. Chapman共同编辑的“Due Process”(1977 by New York University Press)两书。
③对于德国学者有关程序正义理论的研究状况,读者可参见Klaus. Rohl与Stefan Machura共同编辑的“Procedural justice(1997 by Dartmouth publishing Company Limited)一书。
○4Jerry L. Mashaw, Administrative Due Process: the Quest for a Dignitary Theory,in Boston University Law Rerew,Vol.61,1981.
○5Jerry L. Mashaw, Due Process in the Administrative State,1985 by Yale University Press.
○6R. Saphire, Specifying Due Process Values: Towards a More Responsive Approach To Procedural Protection,in University of Pesylvania Law Review,Vol,127,1978.
○7Stewart, The Reformation of American Administrative Law,88 Harvard Law Review,1975.
○8Robert S. Summers,Evaluating and Improving Legal Process——A Plea for “Process Value”,in Cornell Law Review, Vol.61,1981,pp.885-931.
○9Gerald J. Postema, the Principle of Utility and the Law of Procedure: Bentham’s Theory of Adjudication,in Georgia Law Review,Vol.11,1977.
○11转引自E.Pincoffs,due Process, Fraternity,and a Kantian Injunction,in Due Process,Pennock and Chapman(eds.),pp172-181.
○12E. Pincoffs,Due Process,Fraternity,and a Kantian Injunction, in due Process,Pennock and Chapman(eds.),pp.172-181.