【注释】 ①该条例后改为《尼日利亚
仲裁法》(the Nigerian Arbitration Act)。
② Pakas Clement James Pakas,“The Legal Framework for the Recognition and Enforcement of International Commercial Awards in Nigeria”, Journal of International Arbitration,1998,2, P.100.
① 李双元主编:《国际私法学》,北京大学出版社2000年版,第644页。
John D.M.Lew, “Determination of Applicable Substantive Law”, International Business Lawyer,Vol.25, No.4, 1997,p.56.
Wolfgang Kuhn, “Choice of Substantive Law in the Practice of International Arbitration”, International Business Lawyer. Vol.25, No.4,1997,p.78.
② Eugene Cotran Austin Amissah,Arbitration in Africa, Kluwer Law International, 1996, pp.106-107.
Amazu A. Asouzu, “The Adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law in Nigeria: Implications on the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards” , The Journal of Business Law, 1999,2,p.186.
Andrew I. Okekeifere, “The Enforcement and Challenge of Foreign Arbitral Awards in
Nigeria”, Journal of International Arbitration, 1997,14(3), p.242.
② Andrew I. Okekeifere, “The Enforcement and Challenge of Foreign Arbitral Awards in
Nigeria”,Journal of International Arbitration, 1997,14 (3),p.234.
③ Andrew I. Okekeifere, “The Enforcement and Challenge of Foreign Arbitral Awards in
Nigeria”,Journal of International Arbitration, 1997,14 (3),p.238.
① M.J.Mustill & S.C. Boyd,The Law and Practice of Commercial Arbitration in England (2nd ed, 1989), p.416.
Amazu A. Asouzu, “The Adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law in Nigeria: Implications on the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards.” The Journal of Business Law, 1999,2,p.202.
① Amazu A. Asouzu, “The Adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law in Nigeria: Implications on the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards.” The Journal of Business Law, 1999,2, p.204.
② B.A.Bukar&M.A.Adamu,“Legal Framework for the Resolution of International Commercial Disputes:An Examination of Nigeria’s Arbitration Law”, Journal of International Arbitration ,1999,16 (1),p.53.
③ to see Gaius Ezejiofor, “The Nigerian Arbitration and Conciliation Act: A Challenge to the Courts”, Journal of Business Law, 1993, 1,p.92-101.
④ to see Andrew I.Okekeifere, “The Enforcement and Challenge of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Nigeria”, Journal of International Arbitration, 1997, 14 (3), p.231-241.