

Main right theory of the western natural law School is understood



  Abstract : The natural law theory is an origin of all law philosophy schools in the west, is the value law school, the development history of natural law science is the development history of a human right idea. Original , " talent " right of right idea of natural law school, naturally, people’s right comes from naturally too in life. The development of the right view of natural law science is divided into three stages, and each have its characteristics: The right view of natural law science is based on justice in ancient times and Middle Ages, modern natural right of law science view taking freedom as the core, modern natural right of law science view with equal for intension. Here, we regard right theory of the main representative figure of natural law school as the base-line, analyze J Locke , Rousseau , Rawls and Dworkin right theory briefly . 
  Keyword: Natural law school, Right theory, School , Commentary 
  18世纪的法国启蒙思想家让·雅克·卢梭(Jean Jacques Rousseau , 1712─1778)的权利学说主要表现在他的两部著作《论人类不平等的起源和基础》、《社会契约论》之中。在近代古典自然法学派那里,卢梭是自由主义学说与国家主义学说的集大成者或综合论者。他指出:“我是探讨权利与理性,而不是争论事实”。他认为,在进入国家前,人类处于自然状态中,人人者是自由、平等的,没有政治奴役和经济剥削。随着生产力的发展,出现了国家和法,这是人们为了维护自己的自由平等和财产而订立社会契约的结果。于是人类进入了社会状态,但是在社会状态中,文明每进一步,不平等就加深一步,暴君专制的出现,使这种不平等和不自由进一步加深。只有用暴力推翻暴政,才能通过新的社会契约,重新建立平等。在卢梭看来,人是生而自由的,这是人性的自由,“暴力并不产生权利,我们有义务服从的只是合法的权力”。 在卢梭那里,权利与主权是有区别的。权利往往是人权的同义语,它是同自然状态、自然权利联系在一起的。卢梭继承了以洛克为代表的自由主义观点,宣扬“天赋人权”论,很重视人的自由与价值的实现。 

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