【注释】 E-I Daes, “ Study on the Protection of the Cultural and Intellectual Property of Indigenous Peoples, ” UN Document E/CN. 4/Sub. 2 /1993 /28, paras. 22 and 26. A. McCann, “The 1989 Recommendation Today: A Brief Analysis,” paper presented at “A Global Assessment of the 1989 Recommendation on the Safeguarding of Traditional Culture and Folklore: Local Empowerment and International Cooperation, ” organized by UNESCO and Smithsonian Institution, 1999, p.8. Michael Blakeney, The Protection of Tradition Knowledge Under Intellectual Property law, EIPR June 2002. The protection of traditional knowledge, including expressions of folklore, WIPO/IPTK/MCT/02/INF.4,p4 The Draft FFM can be found on WIPO’s website at http://www.wipo.int/globalissues/tk/rreport/interim/index.html Wend B.Wendland, Intellectual Property, Tradition Knowledge and Folklore: WIPO’s Exploratory Program, IIC May 2002. Wend B.Wendland, Intellectual Property, Tradition Knowledge and Folklore: WIPO’s Exploratory Program, IIC May 2002. Daes, “Rights of Indigenous Peoples”, paper resented at Pacific Workshop on the United Nations Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Suva, Fiji, September, 1996,at 28.
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