没有宪法的违宪审查: 英国故事

International Transport Roth Gmbh v. Secretary of State for the Home Department 3 WLR 344.
M. Elliot, “Parliamentary Sovereignty and the New Constitutional Order” (2002) Legal Study 340; Lord Irvine, “The Impact of the Human Rights Act: Parliament, the Courts and the Executive” (2003) Public Law 308.
K. D. Ewing, “The Human Rights Act and Parliamentary Democracy” (1999) Modern Law Review 79.
Alison L. Young, “Judicial Sovereignty and the Human Rights Act 1998” (2002) Cambridge Law Journal 53.
Jeffery Goldsworthy, The Sovereignty of Parliament: History and Philosophy (Clarendon Press, 1999).
Report of the Select Committee on a Bill of Rights (HL 176, 1978).
Richard T. E. Latham, The Law and the Commonwealth (Oxford University Press, 1949), especially p.523. 他的文章在1937年首次发表。
H. L. A. Hart, The Concept of Law (Clarendon Press, 1961), pp.97-111.
William Wade, “Sovereignty: Revolution or Evolution?” (1996) Law Quarterly Review 568, at 574. 关于韦德对主权理论的阐述,还可参见W. Wade, “The Legal Basis of Legal Sovereignty” (1955) Cambridge Law Journal 172; W. Wade, Constitutional Fundamentals (revised ed., Stevens & Sons, 1989), part 3 “Legislation: The Problem of Entrenchment”; W. Wade & C. Forsyth, Administrative Law (8th, Oxford University Press, 2000), pp.25-31.
A. V. Dicey, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution (10th, Macmillan, 1959), pp.195-203. “简而言之,我们的宪法是一部法官创制的宪法,它具备法官立法所有好的和坏的特征。”ibid, p.196.
M. J. Detmold, The Australian Commonwealth: A Fundamental Analysis of Its Constitution (Law Book Company, 1985), p.97. Detmold是澳大利亚学者,也是澳大利亚学者中批评议会主权的领头人物。
T. R. S. Allan, Law, Liberty and Justice: The Legal Foundations of British Constitutionalism (Clarendon Press, 1993), p.10.
R. Brazier, Constitutional Reform: Reshaping the British Political System (2nd, Oxford, 1998), p.155.
T. R. S. Allan, “Legislative Supremacy and the Rule of Law” (1985) Cambridge Law Journal 111, “Constitutional Rights and Common Law” (1991) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 453, collected in his Law, Liberty and Justice: The Legal Foundations of British Constitutionalism (Clarendon Press, 1993).
Neil MacCormick, Questioning Sovereignty: Law, State and Nation in the European Commonwealth (Oxford University Press, 1999).
R. v. Lord Chancellor, ex parte Witham QB 575.
Thoburn v. Sunderland City Council QB 151.
New Zealand Drivers Assn. v. New Zealand Road Carriers 1 NZLR 374, at 490; Fraser v. State Service Commission 1 NZLR 116, at 121; Taylor v. New Zealand Poultry Board 1 NZLR 394, at 398.
Australia Capital Television Pty Ltd. v. The Commonwealth (no.2) ALJR 695.
Lord Woolf, “Droit Public – English Style” (1995) Public Law 57, at 69.
Sir John Laws, “Law and Democracy” (1995) Public Law 72, at 87, 92. Also see, “The Constitution, Morals and Rights” (1996) Public Law 622, at 635.
“Human Rights: A Twenty-first Century Agenda” (1995) Public Law 386, at 389; and “The Common Law and the Constitution”, in Lord B. Nolan & Sir S. Sedley, “The Making and Remaking of the British Constitution” (Blackstone, 1997), p.26.
W. Wade, “Foreign Compensation”, The Times, 1 February 1969; D. Ackner & H. E. Sargant, “Foreign Compensation Bill: Threat to the Rule of Law”, The Times, 4 February 1969.
“Lords Attack Foreign Compensation Bill”, The Times, 4 February 1969; “Master of the Rolls Dislikes Compensation Commission Being Law onto Themselves”, The Times, 4 February 1969.
Joint Committee on Human Rights Report on the Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Bill, HL 35/ HC 304 (2004-2-10), “New system for handling appeals”; House of Commons Constitutional Affairs Committee Second Report, HC 211-I (2004-2-26), Chapter 6 and Conclusions/ Recommendations (paras 10-12).
“Immigration Wars”, The Guardian, 2 March 2004. 学界的批评还可参见Andrew Le Sueur, “Three Strikes and It’s Out? The UK Government’s Strategy to Ouster Judicial Review from Immigration and Asylum Decision-Making” (2004) Public Law 225.
“The Rule of Law and a Change in the Constitution”, http://www.dca.gov.uk/judicial/speeches/lcj030304.htm.

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