【注释】 *本文旨在从一个特定的角度评论霍姆斯的《普通法》。所依据的版本是:Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Common Law, edited by Mark DeWolfe Howe, Boston: Little, Brown, 1963. 此书的中译本即将由商务印书馆出版(郑戈译,2003年即出。属汉译世界名著第十辑)。 >北京大学法学博士(1998);多伦多大学法学博士候选人;密执安大学、杜克大学客座研究员。
Berlin, Sir Isaiah (1953), The Hedgehog and the Fox, New York, Simon & Schuster。 罗威尔学社(Rowell Institute)由丝绸织造商约翰·罗威尔于1836年创设,旨在赞助和主办一系列公共讲座,以“弘扬关于某些道德和宗教法则的真知——唯有依凭这些法则,人们方可希冀在此世及彼岸获致幸福”。以上引文见于约翰·罗威尔创设该学社的遗嘱,转引自:Robert Dalzell, Enterprising Elite: The Boston Associates and the World They Made, Harvard University Press, 1987, pp.145-46。 波斯纳不止在一个场合表述过这样的评价。请参见:Richard A. Posner, Cardozo: A Study in Reputation. University of Chicago Press, 1990. p.20. Richard A. Posner, “Introduction” to The Essential Holmes: Selections from the Letters, Speeches, Judicial Opinions, and Other Writings of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (Richard A. Posner ed). University of Chicago Press, 1992. p.x。 Letter, O.W. Holmes to A.G. Sedgwick, July 12, 1879. Letter, Holmes to Joaquim Nabuco, Jan 3, 1908. Mark DeWolfe Howe, “Introduction”, in Holmes’ Common Law, edited by Mark DeWolfe Howe, Little, Brown and Company, 1963. p.xi. Sheldon M. Novick, “Editor’s Introduction” to The Collected Works of Justice Holmes, The University of Chicago Press, 1995. Vol. 1. p.10. Novick, “Editor’s Introduction” to The Collected Works of Justice