见Anthony C. Arend & Robert J.Beck, International Law and the Use ofForce: Beyond the UN Charter Paradigm , London: Routledge, 1993, p133-134. 转引自Michael L. Burton, “ Legalizingthe Sublegal: A Proposal for Codifying a Doctrine of Unilateral HumanitarianIntervention”, 85 Georgetown Law Journal ,1996, p.429.
见Louis Henkin, “ Kosovo and the Lawof ‘Humanitarian Intervention’ ”, 93 American Journal of International Law,No.4, 1999, p825.
见Louis Henkin, “Kosovo and the Law of ‘Humanitarian Intervention’ ”,93American Journal of International Law,No.4, 1999, p825.
见Ellery Stowell, Intervention in International Law, 1921,p63.转引自RaviMahalingam, “ The Copatibility of the Principles of Nonintervention with theRights of Humanitarian Intervention”, 1UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs, 1996, p239.
见Ellery Stowell, Intervention in International Law, 1921, p340。.转引自Ravi Mahalingam, “The Copatibility of the Principles ofNonintervention with the Rights of Humanitarian Intervention”, 1 UCLA Journal of International Law andForeign Affairs, 1996, p241
见Louis Henkin, Use of Force: Law andU.S. Policy, in Rights v. Might International Law and the Use of Force p37,p41-42, 1991.转引自Dr. KlitonW. Alexander, “Nato’s Intervention in Kosovo: The Legal Case for ViolatingYugoslavia’s Sovereignty in the Absence of Security Council Approval”, 22 Houston Journal of International Law,2000, p.414.
见Eleanor C. McDowell, IntroductoryNote, “United Nations: Security Council Debate and Draft Resolutions Concerningthe Operation to Rescue Hijacked Hostages at the Entebbe Airport”, 15 International Legal Materials, 1976,p1224.
见Michael J. Mattler, “TheDistinction Between Civil Wars and International Wars and Its Legal Implications”,26 New York University Journal ofInternational Law and Policy, 1994, p662.
见联合国文件:U.N. Doc. S/INF15 (1960).
见Kenneth Regensburg, “ Refugee LawReconsidered: Reconciling Humanitarian Objectives with the ProtectionistAgendas of Western Europe and the United States”, 29 Cornell International Law Journal, 1996, p.250.
见Christopher C. Joyner, “ The UnitedStates Action in Grenada: Reflections on the Lawfulness of Invasion”, 78 American Journal of International Law,1984, p.141.
见Marian Nash Leich, “ Use of Force”, 84 American Journal of International Law,1990, p.548.
见Louis Henkin, “The Invasion ofPanama Under International Law: A Gross Violation”, 29 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. 1991, p.295.
见Natalino Ronzitti, Rescuing NationalsAbroad Through Military Coercion and Intervention on Grounds of Humanity, 1985,p.96.
见Michael Walzer, Just and Unjust Wars, New York: BasicBooks, 1977, p.105-107.
见Thomas Frank & Nigel Rodley, “After Bangladesh: The Law of Humanitarian Intervention bu Military Force”, 67 American Journal of International Law,1973, p.275,297-305. 在这篇文章中Frank and Rodley 认为,美西战争作为单方干涉的先例是有疑问的,除这场战争外,印度在东巴基斯坦的干涉也不能认为是所谓传统的人道主义干涉。(见该文第285页)
见Klinton W. Alexander, “ NATO’sIntervention in Kosovo: The Legal Case for Violating Yugoslavia’s NationalSovereignty in the Absence of Security Council Approval”, 22 Houston Journal of International Law, 2000, p.420.
Goronwy Jones, The United Nations and theDomestic Jurisdiction of States, 1979, p. 40.转引自RaviMahalingam, “The Compatibility of the Principle of Nonintervention with theRights of Humanitarian Intervention”, 1UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs, 1996, p.247.
见Rosalyn Higgins, “ Intervention andInternational Law”, 载于Hedley Bull ed., Interventionin World Politics, 1984, p.36.还可参见Louis Henkin, “The Mythology ofSovereignty” , American Society ofInternational Law News Letter, Mar. 1993.