Abstract: Immediately after the occurrence of “9•11”, the Security Council passed three anti terrorism resolutions. These resolutions mainly include the articles of The Charters of United Nations such as, article 27 (principle of big nations’ unanimous agreement), article 39 (establishment of jurisdiction of the Security Council), article 41 (non-force measures of the Security Council), article 42 (force action of the Security Council) and article 51 (individual or collective self-defense right of the member states). These resolutions proved the United Nations’ function of resolving crises, and betrayed the localization of the United Nations in the aspect of controlling the use of force as well. Some legal issues worth while thinking have been raised as well.
Key words: Event of “9•11”;Security Council; Anti-terrorism; The Charter of United Nations; Use of Force
【注释】 收稿日期:2002-03-10 作者简介:李鸣(1957――),男,河南省洛阳市人,北京大学法学院副教授。 这三个决议的全文,可集资参见:S/RES/1368(2001),http:www.un.org./chinese/aboutun/prinorgs/sres/01/s1368.htm;S/RES/1373(2001),http://www.un.org./Chinese/aboutun/prinorgs/se/sres/01/s1373.htm;S/RES/1377(2001),http://www.un.org./Chinese/aboutun/prinorgs/sc/sres/01/s1377.htm; 例如,朝鲜战争时通过的决议,由于苏联的缺席而有违宪之嫌。参见D.J.Harris, Cases and Materials on International law,5th edition,p.955. S/RES/678(1990),http://www.un.org./Docs/scres/1990/678e.pdf. 即使是安理会明确授权使用武力制止破坏和平的1990年第678号决议,也未获全票通过,古巴和也门反对,中国弃权。参见D.J.Harris Cases and Materials on International law,5th edition,p.961. 这种价值还体现在安理会的造法功能上,参见本文一下部分。 S/RES/731(1992)& S/RES/748(1992),http:www.un.org./documents/sc/res/1992/s92r731e.pdf.& http://www.un.org./documents/sc/res/1992/s92r748e.pdf Anntonio Cassese, “Terrorism is also Disrupting Some Crucial Legal Categories of International Law”, see European Journal of International law, Vol. 12(2001) No. 5, p. 993-1002. Full text available at: http://www.ejil.org/org/forum WTC/ny-cassess.html. I.C.J Reports (1970), see Myres R. Mydougal & W. Michalel Reisman, International Law in Contemporary Persperive, 1981,pp833-834. 参见国际委员会在其第28次会议上的报告中对《国家责任条款草案》第19条“国际罪行和国际不法行为”的评论。“Report of the International Law Commission on its twenty-eighth session.”Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 1976, Vol, Ⅱ, Part Two, at p.95-98.