Marine insurance is a contract whereby, for a consideration stipulated to be paid by one interested in a ship, freight, or cargo subject to marine risks, another undertakes to indemnify him against some or all of there risks during a certain period or voyage.
(Code des assurance )
Is subject to the present title, every contract of insurance which has as its object the guaranty of risks in respect of a maritime operation.
魁北克,作为混和法律体系 ,在其1994年现代民法典中,以一种有趣的方式给保险和海上保险下了定义,反映了罗马法系和共同法系的传统. 保险的定义规定于第2389条:
A contract of insurance is a contract whereby the insurer undertaken, for a premium or assessment, to make a payment to the client or a third person if an event covered by the insurance occurs.
The object of marina insurance is to indemnify the insured against losses incident to marine adventure(Art 2390)
In addition to providing coverage against the losses incident to marine adventure, marine adventure may cover the risks of any adventure analogous to an marine adventure, land risks which are incidental to a marine adventure of risks incident to the building repair or launch of a ship (Art 2505).
海商法 第