Cf., Qu Tongzu, Zhongguo falv yu zhongguo shehui, (zhonghuo shujv: 1981) at 292-295; Zhang Guohua and Rao Xinxian, Zhongguo falv sixiang shigang, ( Gansu People’s Press: 1984) p. 111.
Cf., Harold J. Berman, Law and Revolution, (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1983), pp. 293-294.
Though, perhaps Britain, the Commonwealth countries, and the U.S. developed rule of law much earlier than the European continent.
To quote Prof. Dr. Gunther Teubner : “ Recently, the most striking change of direction in politics, social science and law has been the tendency to replace the concept of regulation by that of evolution. ” See, Autopoietic Law: A New Approach to Law and Society, edited by Gunther Teubner, ( Walter de Gruyter. Berlin. New York: 1988 ) p. 217.
Cf , Zhonggong zhongyang guanyu nongye he nongcun gongzuo ruogan zhongda wenti de jueding . 1998, 10, 14.
The Organization Law of Villager’s Committee of P. R. China took effect on Nov. 4, 1998.
Cf., Fan Yu, Cunweihui Xuanju Zhidu de Yanjin ji Tedian , in Zhongguo Nongcun Guancha , 2001, 1, pp. 60-63.
In 1997, the working report of the People’s Supreme Procuratorate almost failed to pass because the deputies were not satisfied with it so the votes in favor merely reached 50 per cent, which made the top officials of the People’s Supreme Procuratorate very nervous.
Overseas Edition of People Daily, 2001, February 15, p. 4.
China News Net, March 29, 2001.
Cf., Cai Dingjian, The Conflicts of the laws and the way to resolve them (Falv Chongtu Jiqi Jiejue de Tujing), in Chinese Legal Science, No. 3, 1999(Serial No. 39), June 9, 1999.
I have pointed out the difference between the current legal supervision and old legal supervision in an article. Cf. Zhang Qi, Lun Fa Lv Jian Du De Fa Zhi Hua(On Rule of Law ofLegal Supervision) ( Shang Hai ) No. 12, 1998(General No. 205)
Chen Yunsheng, Wanshan wuoguo xianfa he falv jiandu zhidu de shexiang , in Lifa fa yanjiu , ed. By Li Buyun ( Hunan Ren Chubanshe : 1998) p. 257-259.
See: Supra note 47.
See: Quanguo Renda Neiwu Sifa Weiyuanhui Zhaokai Ge-an Jiandu Chengxu Guiding (taolun gao) Zhengqiu Yijian Zuotanhui , in Renda Yanjiu , No. 5, 1999 p. 11; Quanguo Renmin Daibiao Dahui Changwu Weiyuanhui Gongbao , No. 1 2001, p. 70.
C.f. Li Xuesong, Ershiliu li Ge-an Jiandu Shili de Kaocha yu Sikao , in Renda Yanjiu , No 3, 2000, p. 4-8.
Li Shiying, Dangdai Zhongguo Jiancha Zhidu , (Zhongguo Shah Kexue Chubanshe, 1988) p. 7.
See the Office of News of the State Council, The White Paper of the Development of Chinese Human Right for Fifty Years, in Guangming Ribao , Feb. 18, 2000, p. III.
See Quanguo Renmin Daibiao Dahui Changwuweiyuanhui Gongbao , 2001.2, p. 143.
Li Lin, the speech at “ Rechtsbindung der Verwaltung und Individualrechtsschutz ”, Peking, 12. Und 13. Juni 2000.
Cf., Chen Guangzhong and Zhang Jianwei, Lianheguo gongmin quanli he zhengzhi quanli gongyue yu woguo xingshi susong , in Zhongguo Faxue No. 6, 1998 p. 82.
Beijing Chenbao, December 15, 1999, p. 4.
Beijing Wanbao , September 13, 2000, p. 33.
Zhongguo Sifa Shencha Zhidu , Luo Haocai ed., (Peking University Press, Beijing: 1993), pp. 3-5.
On a civil case, a court of Urumqi City (first instance) in Xinjiang Autonomous District declined to follow an administrative rule called The Procedure Concerning Dealing With Medical Malpractice enacted by the State Council. It has been followed by many courts whatever it was unfair and unreasonable in a medical malpractice case and the court of Urumqi City (second instance) affirmed the judgement. Cf., Zhongguo shenpan anli yaolan (1993), ed. by The Training Center of Senior Judges of China, Law School of Renmin of China ( Zhongguo renmin gongan daxue chubanshe, 1994) p. 690-693.