Right to Pursue a Proceeding under the WTO

 The participants in this appeal also refer to certain judgments of the International Court of Justice and the Permanent Court of International Justice relating to whether there is a requirement, in international law, of a legal interest to bring a case. The Appellate Body can not read any of these judgments as establishing a general rule that in all international litigation a complaining party must have a “legal interest” in order to bring a case. Nor do they think that these judgments deny the need to consider the question of standing under the dispute settlement provisions of any multilateral treaty, by referring to the terms of that treaty. This leads the Appellate Body to examine Art. XXIII of the GATT 1994, which is the dispute settlement provision for disputes brought pursuant to GATT 1994.
 After referring to the chapeau of Art. XXIII:1, the Appellate Body notes that of special importance for determining the issue of standing, are the words “
    f any Member should consider ...”. They think that this provision in Art. XXIII is consistent with Art. 3.7 of the DSU, which states that “
    ]efore bringing a case, a Member shall exercise its judgment as to whether action under these procedures would be fruitful”. Accordingly, the Appellate Body finds that “a Member has broad discretion in deciding whether to bring a case against another Member under the DSU. The language of Article XXIII:1 of the GATT 1994 and of Article 3.7 of the DSU suggest, furthermore, that a Member is expected to be largely self-regulating in deciding whether any such action would be ‘fruitful’”.
 While in Korea-Dairy Products (DS98), regarding Korea''s reference to the lack of economic interest of the EC, the Panel finds that under the DSU there is no requirement that parties must have an economic interest. Recalling some concerned findings in EC-Bananas, the Panel rules that they can’t read in the DSU any requirement for an “economic interest”. 2

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