International Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights and Public Health
Public health crisis is not a problem only within the Third World, and should be regarded as a global affair. This article explores the topic on health and WTO, mostly focusing on the legal tension between granting patent protection under the TRIPS Agreements and the availability of medicines to developing countries at affordable prices. This article discusses the recent development in the Doha Declarations, and examines what Post-TRIPS measures can be exerted in order to maintain the integrity of intellectual property rights and on the same time respecting humanitarian concerns over access to life-saving drugs. Finally, it thinks over again on some essential issues about the IPR regime.
【关键词】WTO 公共健康 知识产权 TRIPS协议 多哈宣言
TRIPS协议与公共健康 [1]
关键词;WTO 公共健康 知识产权 TRIPS协议 多哈宣言
TRIPS Agreement and Public Health
Lu Bingbin
Abstract: Public health crisis is not a problem only within the Third World, and should be regarded as a global affair. This article explores the topic on health and WTO, mostly focusing on the legal tension between granting patent protection under the TRIPS Agreements and the availability of medicines to developing countries at affordable prices. This article discusses the recent development in the Doha Declaration, and examines what Post-TRIPS measures can be exerted in order to maintain the integrity of intellectual property rights and on the same time respecting humanitarian concerns over access to life-saving drugs. Finally, it thinks over again on some essential issues about the IPR regime.
Key Words: WTO, Public Health, Intellectual Property, TRIPS, Doha Declaration
西方国家似乎无法想象这种危机,许多研究将之与在西方国家存在的罕见病相提并论。如有人通过研究欧盟法令141/2000第三条关于罕见病药物的规定建议把在欧洲针对罕见病药物的可转让市场独占权(Transferable marketing exclusive)推广到全世界从而提供传染病治疗药物的研发激励。[2] 健康是全人类的共同利益,西方学者由于其立场的局限性往往不能全面地看待健康问题,“对于全球化引发的健康问题的普遍关注现在已经成为对自由贸易的一个障碍” [3],并且认为“经济和社会因素比医疗服务在公众健康方面扮演着更加重要的角色” [4]。而发展中国家的呼声则是以自由贸易为后盾的知识产权保护影响了公共健康。当然,我们应该认识到贸易和健康之间存在着潜在的配合关系、健康和经济发展之间存在的一定的双赢关系以及WTO体系内确认WTO成员方有促进健康的权力的最新发展。WTO的最初建立者确实很少关注健康政策,但是最近几年来,形势的发展特别是AIDS传染病等公共健康危机已经将健康推到贸易问题的中心位置。贸易全球化和健康问题正在日益受到关注,健康在国际贸易法体系中的地位正在被构建。