China’s legal construction must take social stability as its aim. There are two important tasks we should do. One is to maintain public security in comprehensive ways and to strike different serious crimes by law including organized crimes, drug crimes etc. At the meantime, it is also necessary to cooperate with other countries and relevant international organizations to strike transnational crimes. The world’s nations need to cooperate to set up a alliance against both crime and terrorism. They must collabarate to formulate laws, arrest and extradite those suspected of crime,share intelligence information about illicit conspiracies, and band together to enforce sanctions against nations that harbor criminals and terrorists or support their activities. The other is to establish social guarantee legal system according to market economy and globalization. We should enact or modify the law of pension, the law of medical care, the law of unemployment insurance, the law of occupational insurance for injure and disease, the law of maternity insurance, the law of fund of social security, etc.
Also, China has joined International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights , and it will make great effort to protect human rights by transforming into domestic law. For example, the Criminal Procedure Law has revised ,including the adoption of the principle of innocent presuption, the canceling of the system of detention for interrogation as a mandatory administrative measure, the advance of the time of lawyers’ involvement and strengthening the protection of the victims’ rights. And I think many rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of migration will gradually be implemented well in the future.
【注释】 Stefanie Knauder, Globalization, Urban Progress, Urban Problens, Rural Disadvantages. Burlington: Ashgate, 2000, p.26-27. Henry Wai-chung Yeung,The Dynamics of the Globalizatiom of Chinese Business Firms, Globalization of Chinese Business Firm. New York: St.martin’s, 2000, p.77. 參見朱景文:《法律全球化:法理基礎和社會内容》,載《法理學論叢》第二卷,北京:法律出版社2000年版。 Raimo Vayrynen, Globalization and Global Governance. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 1999, p. 89. Jianfu Chen, ‘Market economy and the internationalisation of civil and commercial law in the people’s republic of China’, Law, Captitalism and Power in Asia. New York: Routledge, 1999, p. 69. Pitman B. Potter, Domiestic law reforms in post-mao China, New York : Armonk ,1994, p. 7. Robert K. Schaeffer, Understanding globalization: the social consequences of political, economic, and environmental change. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 1997, p. 128.