



On 15 April 1994, the final results of the Uruguay Round Negotiations were formally signed in Marrakech, Morocco. The Uruguay Round results are important examples of the progressive development of international law from a power-oriented structure towards a rule-oriented structure in economic field. The dispute settlement system was the most noteworthy features of the Uruguay Round Negotiation. The perceived success of this system was an important factor in the expansion of the WTO from trades in goods to trades in goods, service and intellectual property. This new system, although based on the GATT system, contained several notable improvements and innovations — namely increased speed and automaticity in dispute resolution and an appellate system. On 1 January 1995 the World Trade Organization came formally into being. Since then all dispute reports of DSB have been followed well by concerned WTO members. The dispute settlement mechanism of WTO has become more and more important in contemporary world.
With the acceptance of this effective mechanism, an issue confronting panels and the appellate body is the degree to which the dispute settlement bodies should review a decision of a national government agency concerning economic regulations, which are alleged inconsistent with the WTO rules. Should the dispute settlement bodies approach the issues involved (including fact determinations) de novo, without any deference to the national government? In nature, the standard of review is an aspect of the broader problem—the relation between the international legal regime and the sovereignty right of nations.
This article, by studying the context, evolution and legislative history of relevant provisions, will facilitate the understanding of the standard-of-review issue. In nature it is an aspect of the broader problem of the relation between international legal regime and the sovereignty of nations. The international body—panels and the appellate body, on one hand, shall effectively review the decision of a national government agency; on the other hand, it shall also show respect to national government determinations and deference to national sovereignty. The difficulty lies in how to reconcile competing views about the power allocation between national governments and WTO panels on important matters to many governments.
In GATT1947, there were no relevant provisions, while some of the GATT panel reports addressed the standard-of-review issue or topics related to it. The general trend seemed to be that panels were gradually taking a more and more restrictive approach in reviewing the challenged governmental decisions so as to restrain the misuse of governmental discretion in specific case. The Uruguay Round texts contains several different explicit or implied reference to the standard of review issue. The most prominent of these can be found in the Antidumping Agreement at Article 17.6, which is quite similar with Chevron doctrine in US administration law. In the actual settlement of disputes, those regulations about the standard of review and their contents are highly controversial. From specific cases it seems that the panel rejected the explicit restrain on its interpretation authority by referring to Article 31 and 32 of 《Vienna Convention on Law of Treaty》, and Article 17.6 subsection II do not seem to have a negative impact on the effective review of governmental decisions by panels and the appellate body. While, it also can be seen that panels are also cautious about adopting activist postures in the GATT/WTO context, and try to avoid functioning as a national government agencies when reviewing the governmental decisions.
  In the conclusion part, some words were devoted to the sovereignty issue. Sovereignty is an important concept, while merely identifying important sovereignty values does not by itself provide a pervasive argument justifying deferential panel review. Furthermore, the term of sovereignty itself is very ambiguous and controversial. One can find diverse interpretation of sovereignty in different essays and books from different academic schools. But it seems to be better that we refer this term to policies and concepts that focus on an appropriate allocation of power between international organizations and national governments.
Whatever, one cannot deny that the sovereignty concept is still the cornerstone of the current international law, which is very important to the developing countries. Regardless of the innovative interpretation and evolution, the core rights embedded in this concept should remain unchanged.

【关键词】WTO 争端解决 政府决定 审查标准
  引 言
  作为关贸总协定(GATT)八轮多边谈判中历时最长的一次,期间谈判桌上风雨交加,几度濒临破裂,经过多方的协商、妥协和利诱,最终达成了一系列的重要协议,为上世纪末和本世纪初的国际贸易奠定了基本规则。乌拉圭回合不仅对GATT的许多原有体制和规则进行了修订,将GATT由一个条约体系升格为世界贸易组织(WTO)这样一个全新的组织结构,而且扩大了涵盖的范围,由单纯的货物贸易扩展至货物、服务和知识产权贸易,更加符合当今世界贸易的现状。从现在来看,这种涵盖范围的扩大有继续的趋势 。
  乌拉圭回合最终文件,是有史以来缔结的最长的国际协定,而且也是自1945年《联合国宪章》缔结以来最丰富和最重要的全球性协定。在这一系列多边协定之中,最引人注目和最具有创新性的一个当数《关于争端解决规则和程序的谅解》 ,其在GATT几十年辛苦解决争端的经验积累之上创建了新的争端解决机构和程序,特别是设立了上诉程序和常设上诉机构,这是在国际争端解决领域中加强规则和法律导向而削弱权力导向的一次重要改革。
  新建立的这个争端解决机制被认为是有史以来国际组织在解决争端方面最强有力的一个,其所规定的强制管辖、上诉审查、监督实施以及授权报复等特征使其权威和效力得到很大的加强。但是,在主权国家作为WTO主要成员方的情况下,在WTO的权力与成员方国家主权并存的前提下,WTO争端解决机构在实践活动中不可避免要遇到一个很重要的问题――在争端解决过程中,争端解决机构应当怎样来审查成员方政府机构做出的被控与WTO规则不相符合的行政决定?有多大的审查权限?也就是说,争端解决机构在审查成员方政府决定 的时候应该采取什么样的审查标准(the standard of review)。
  (一) 在经济全球化下国际组织的发展和作用
  20世纪以来,特别是两次世界大战使得各国人民认识到一点,那就是长期持久的和平与稳定不仅要靠各个国家自觉地遵守国际法规范,还要有一个规则机制来监督这种遵守,而且,主权国家之间的多边合作往往也是在机构和体制的建立过程中发生和得到发展的 。这种规则机制,一般建立于国际性多边条约之上,在追求公正、维护和平和符合大多数成员共同利益的同时,还应当是强有力的,能够及时有效地处理发生的问题,包括能够权威高效地解决成员之间的纠纷。否则,尽管有这样一个体制存在,也只会像国际联盟一样最终流于形式灰飞烟灭。1945年成立的联合国,立意宗旨即在于维护世界的稳定与和平,经过五十多年的艰难发展,现在联合国的作用虽然已经很重要,但在增强其本身的权威和效力以及维护世界的政治稳定和经济繁荣等诸多方面还有很长很长的路要走。在过去的几十年里,特别是在二战以后,各种政府间组织和非政府间组织蓬勃发展起来,并在各自的领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。伴随着这些国际组织实践经验的丰富,越来越多的国家逐渐认识到,对于任何一个国际体制和组织来说,要进行有效的运作,至少要具备两种基本程序:一是有一整套比较完备的规则体系和规则的制定程序;另一个就是有一个保证这个规则体系能够得到遵守或执行的监督管理程序,其中就包括争端解决机制。第二个程序将对该体制和组织机构的运作发展起到积极乃至是决定性的作用。
  作为国际贸易方面最重要的组织,WTO从1995年运作之日起,就被赋予了重要的历史任务――促进全球经济贸易的发展和人类的共同进步。WTO的基本重要哲学就是开放市场、非歧视以及国际贸易的全球竞争有益于全世界各国的福利。《建立WTO的协定》序言中明确地指出了该组织的宗旨,“成员方认识到发展贸易和经济关系方面应当按照提高生活水平、保证充分就业和大幅度稳步提高实际收入和有效需求、并扩大生产和商品交易以及服务等方面的观点,并为着持续发展的目的而最合理地利用世界资源,寻求对环境的保护和维护……确保发展中国家尤其是最不发达国家能够获得与他们国际贸易额增长需要相适应的经济发展……产生一个完整的、更具有活力和永久性的多边贸易体系。”  应该说WTO给自己所设定的目标是很高的,如若这些目标能够真正得以实现,对全球经济和各国人民――特别是发展中国家的人民将会产生深远的影响。从本质上来说,这些目标的实现情况能否达到预期,很大程度上取决于WTO所管辖的众多协议是否得到有效执行和遵守。
  GATT的成功是在国际贸易领域内开展国家间合作的杰出范例,从这个意义上说二战以后整个西方国际贸易体系没有被贸易保护主义所主导是二十世纪中后期全球经济快速发展的一个重要原因,不管是发达国家还是发展中国家都已经从中受益匪浅。一轮又一轮的多边谈判和一个又一个的加入者雄辩地证明了这种全球贸易协调和管理体制的存在价值。历时八年的乌拉圭回合多边谈判比GATT任何以往贸易谈判的规模都大,尤其是发展中国家在谈判中起到了较以往更重要的作用。发展中国家传统上并没有全面参与GATT基础上的贸易自由化行动,到了乌拉圭回合的中后期和随着WTO的建立,很多发展中国家都表示出更大的要遵守游戏规则的意愿并付诸于行动,这是一个历史性的进步。 作为对GATT数十年发展的总结和继承者,WTO在多方面进行了改进和完善,在保留原有的制度基础上,建立了一个正规的机构框架,扩大了WTO管辖的贸易规则的范围,增强了WTO的监督和管理国际贸易规则的能力和约束机制。在这一系列的或大或小的改革及创新中,由《关于争端解决规则和程序的谅解》所创设的争端解决机制是最重要和最耀眼的之一。

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