
  10.3 The Underwriters may also take tenders or may require further tenders to be taken for the repair of the Vessel. Where such a tender has been taken and a tender is accepted with the approval of the Underwriters, and allowance shall be made at the rate of 30% per annum on the insured value for time lost between the dispatch of the invitations to tender required by Underwriters and the acceptance of a tender to the extent that such time is lost solely as the result of tenders having been taken and provided that the tender is accepted without delay after receipt of the Underwriters’ approval.
  10.4 In the event of failure to comply with the conditions of this Clause 10, a deduction of 15% shall be made from the amount of the ascertained claim.
  10.1 如果发生根据本保险可以索赔的损失或损害的意外事故,须在检验前,迅速通知保险人。如果船舶在国外,还应通知最近地区的劳氏代理人,以便保险人在认为需要时,委派检验人代表保险人进行检验。
  10.2 保险人有权决定船舶驶往干坞或修理的港口(因遵循保险人的要求所产生的实际额外航程费用,应由保险人偿还给被保险人)并对船舶修理地点或修船公司有否决权
  10.3 保险人为修理船舶可以招标或可以要求重新招标。在已进行了此种招标且保险人已认可接受招标的情况下,如果收到保险人的认可后,被保险人毫不迟延地接受招标,对于在按保险人的要求发出招标邀请至接受招标期间完全由于招标所致的时间损失,应基于保险价值按30%的年利率予以补贴。
  10.4 倘若被保险人未遵循本第10条的条件,应从已确定的赔偿款中扣除15%。
  第11条 共同海损和救助条款
  11.1 This insurance covers the Vessel’s proportion of salvage, salvage charges and/or general average, reduced in respect of any under-insurance, but in case of general average sacrifice of the Vessel the Assured may recover in respect of the whole loss without first enforcing their right of contribution from other parties.
  11.2 Adjustment to be according to the law and practice obtaining at the place where the adventure ends, as if the contract of affreightment contained no special terms upon the subject; but where the contract of affreightment so provides the adjustment shall be according to the York-Antwerp Rules.
  11.3 No claim under this Clause 11 shall in any case be allowed where the loss was not incurred to avoid or in connection with the avoidance of a peril insured against.
  11.1 本保险承保保险船舶按比例分摊的救助,救助费用及/或共同海损,并对任何不足额保险作相应扣减,但若保险船舶发生共同海损牺牲,被保险人可以取得有关全部损失的保险赔偿,而无须先行使向他方要求分摊的权利。
  11.2 共同海损的理算应按照航程终止地的法律和惯例办理,如同货运合同中,不含有适用法律的特殊条款;但在货运合同已作规定的情况下,共同海损理算应按《约克.安特卫普规则》办理。
  11.3 如果损失不是为避免承保危险而发生或与之有关,根据本第11条提出的索赔在任何情况下均不予认可。
  第12条 免赔额条款
  12.1 No claim arising from a peril insured against shall be payable under this insurance unless the aggregate of all such claims arising out of each separate accident or occurrence (including claims under Clauses 7, 9, 11 and 13) exceeds  
  in which case this sum shall be deducted. Nevertheless the expense of sighting the bottom after stranding, if reasonably incurred specially for that purpose, shall be paid even if no damage be found. This Clause 12.1 shall not apply to a claim for total or constructive total loss of the Vessel or, in the event of such a claim, to any associated claim under Clause 13 arising from the same accident or occurrence.
  12.2 Excluding any interest comprised therein, recoveries against any claim which is subject to the above deductible shall be credited to the Underwriters in full to the extent of the sum by which the aggregate of the claim unreduced by any recoveries exceeds the above deductible.
  12.3 Interest in recoveries shall be apportioned between the Assured and the Underwriters, taking into account the sums paid by the Underwriters and the dates when such payments were made, notwithstanding that by the addition of interest the Underwriters may receive a larger sum than they have paid.

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