
  第11条 未修理的损害(Unrepaired Damage)
 11.1 The measure of indemnity in respect of claims for unrepaired damage shall be the reasonable depreciation in the market value of the Vessel at the time this insurance terminates arising from such unrepaired damage, but not exceeding the reasonable cost of repairs.
 11.2 In no case shall the Underwriters be liable for unrepaired damage in the event of a subsequent total loss (whether or not covered under this insurance) sustained during the period covered by this insurance or any extension thereof.
 11.3 The Underwriters shall not be liable in respect of unrepaired damage for more for more than the insured value at the time this insurance terminates.
  11 未修理的损害
 11.1 未修理的损害索赔限额,应为本保险终止时的船舶市价值因此种未修理的损害引起的合理贬值,但不得超过合理的修理费用。
 11.2 在任何情况下,若随后在本保险期间内或本保险的延展期内发生全损(不论本保险是否承保该全损),保险人对该未修理的损害不再负责。
 11.3 保险人对未修理的损害的赔偿责任,不应超过本保险终止时的保险价值。
  第12条推定全损条款(Constructive Total Loss)
  12.1 In ascertaining whether the subject-matter insured is a total loss, the insured value shall be taken as the repaired value and nothing in respect of the damaged or break-up value shall be taken into account.
  12.2 No claim for constructive total loss based upon the cost of recovery and/or repair shall be recoverable hereunder unless such cost would exceed the insured value. In making this determination, only the cost relating to a single accident or sequence of damages arising from the same accident shall be taken into account.
 12.1 在确定保险标的是否构成推定全损时(船舶的)保险价值应以(船舶)修理后的价值为准,不应考虑(船舶或其残骸)的受损或解体价值。
 12.2 基于(保险船舶)的恢复和/ 或修理费用的推定全损不能据此得到赔偿,除非此种费用已超过保险价值。在作此项决定时,仅应考虑与单一事故或由于同一事故引起的后续损害赔偿有关费用。
  第13条 共同海损和救助条款(General Average and Salvage)
  13.1 This insurance covers the Vessel’s proportion of salvage, salvage charges and/or general average, reduced in respect of any under-insurance, but in case of general average sacrifice of the Vessel the Assured may recover in respect of the whole loss without first enforcing their right of contribution from other parties.
  13.2 Adjustments to be according to the law and practice obtaining as the place where the adventure ends, as if the contract of affreightment contained no special terms upon the subject; but where the contract of affreightment so provides the adjustment shall be according to the York-Antwerp Rules.
  13.3 When the Vessel sails in ballast, not under charter, the provisions of the York-Antwerp Rules, 1974 (excluding Rules XX and XXI) shall be applicable, and the voyage for this purpose shall be deemed to continue from the port or place of departure until the arrival of the Vessel at the first port or place thereafter other than a port or place of refuge or a port or place of call for bunkering only. If at any such intermediate port or place there is an abandonment of the adventure originally contemplated the voyage shall thereupon be deemed to be terminated.
  13.4 No claim under this Clause 13 shall in any case be allowed where the loss was not incurred to avoid or in connection with the avoidance of a peril insured against.
  13 共同海损和救助
 13.1 本保险承保保险船舶按比例分摊的救助,救助费用及/或共同海损,并对任何不足额保险作相应扣减,但若保险船舶发生共同海损牺牲,被保险人可以取得有关全部损失的保险赔偿,而无须先行使向他方要求分摊的权利。
 13.2 共同海损的理算应按照航程终止地的法律和惯例办理,如同货运合同中不含有适用法律的特殊条款;但在货运合同已作规定的情况下,共同海损理算应按《约克.安特卫普规则》办理。
 13.3 当保险船舶并非在租船合同下空载航行时,共同海损的理算应适用1974年《约克安特卫普规则》(第20条和第21条除外)为此目的的航程应自起运港或起运地持续至除避难港口或地点或仅为添加燃料的挂靠港口或地点之外的船舶抵达的第一港口或地点为止。如果在上述任何一个中途港口或地点放弃原定冒险时,该航程应视作在该处终止。
 13.4 如果损失不是为避免承保危险而发生或与之有关,根据本第10条提出的索赔在任何情况下均不予认可。

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