
  6.4 受抵押船舶加入承保针对船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书引起的船东诉讼费用的运费、滞期费和辩护保赔协会(Freight, Demurrage and Defence Club)前提条件的制约,保险人将补偿被保险人在追诉无报酬的船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书时所发生的那些法律费用,这些法律费用并不能作为净损失的一部分,而只有在被保险人能够证明并满足保险人它已作出每种合理的努力,迫使船东进行无报酬的船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书之场合,才能作为净损失。本保险不赔付被保险人在监控针对船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书的诉讼时发生的法律费用和开支。
  6.5 根据本条可赔偿的任何金额,应包括在保险金额范围内,而不应附加于该保险金额。
  6.6 被保险人或保险人旨在避免或减轻根据本保险可获赔偿的损失所采取的措施,不应视为放弃或接受某项索赔或损害任何一方的权利。
  7.1 The Assured shall prove a claim under this insurance by:
  4.1.1 demonstrating to the satisfaction of the Underwriters that by reason of the perils insured under clause 2.1 there is no reasonable prospect of the Owners and/or Assured succeeding in the claim against the underwriters of the Owners’ Policies and Club Entries, or
  4.1.2 in the event of disagreement between the Underwriters and the Assured by either referring the issue to a sole arbitrator in London to be agreed upon between the Underwriters and the Assured or on final court judgment or arbitration award delivered in favour of the underwriters of Owners’ Policies and Club Entries.
 7.2 The Underwriters shall pay any claim hereunder within 3 months of the date that both the claim is proved in accordance with Clause 7.1 and Net Loss is established.
  第7条 索赔条款
  7 索赔
  7.1 被保险人应当通过下述方式证明根据本保险的某项索赔:
  7.1.1 提出令保险人满意的证明,由于第21款项下的承保危险,船东和/或被保险人没有合理的成功的机会向船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证书的保险人索赔,或
  7.1.2 万一保险人与被保险人之间存在分歧,或者将争议提交一位由保险人和被保险人约定的在伦敦的独任仲裁员或由法院作出有利于船东的保险单和互保协会的入会证明的保险人的仲裁裁决或终审判决
  7.2 保险人将在根据第7.1款证明的索赔及净损失确认之日起三个月内赔付任何索赔。

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