
  6.4.2 Sue and Labour Charges recoverable under the insurances on hull and machinery but not recoverable in full by reason of the difference between the insured value of the Vessel as stated therein and the value of the Vessel adopted for the purpose of ascertaining the amount recoverable under the insurances on hull and machinery, the liability under this insurance being for such proportion of the amount not recoverable as the amount insured hereunder bears to the said difference or to the total sum insured against excess liabilities if it exceed such difference.
  6.4.3 Collision Liability (three-fourths) recoverable under the Institute 3/4ths Collision Liability and Sistership Clauses in the insurances on hull and machinery but not recoverable in full by reason of such three-fourths liability exceeding three-fourths of the insured value of the Vessel as stated therein, in which case the amount recoverable under this insurance shall be such proportion of the difference so arising as the amount insured hereunder bears to the total sum insured against excess liability.
  6.5 The underwriters’ liability under 6.4.1, 6.4.2 and 6.4.3 separately, in respect of any one claim, shall not exceed the amount insured hereunder.
  6 危险
  6.1 本保险承保下列原因造成保险标的的(实际或推定)全损:
  6.1.1 海上、江河、湖泊或其他可航水域的危险
  6.1.2 火灾、爆炸
  6.1.3 来自保险船舶外部的人员的暴力盗窃
  6.1.4 抛弃
  6.1.5 海盗
  6.1.6 与陆上运输工具、码头、或港口设备、设施接触
  6.1.7 地震、火山爆发或闪电
  6.1.8 装卸或搬移货物或燃料过程中的意外事故。
  6.2 本保险承保下列原因引起的保险标的的(实际或推定)全损
  6.2.1 锅炉破裂、尾轴断裂、或者机器、船壳的潜在缺陷
  6.2.2 船长、高级船员、船员或引航员的过失
  6.2.3 修船人或承租人的过失,如果此种修船人或承租人不是本保险的被保险人
  6.2.4 船长、高级船员、船员的欺诈恶行
  6.2.5 与航空器、直升飞机或类似物体,或从其上坠落的物体触碰,如果此种灭失或损害并非由于被保险人、船东、管理人或船技主管或其岸上管理人员未谨慎处理所致。
  6.3 船长、高级船员、船员或引航员拥有保险船舶股份的,也不视作本第6条意义上的船东。
  6.4 本保险承保:
  6.4.1 共同海损、救助和救助费用。根据本船体和机器保险可以获得补偿,但未获全额补偿是由于船舶的保险价值(或在理赔过程中按承保船体和机器保险的法律、惯例或条款要求予以扣减后减少了的价值)与船舶分摊了共同海损、救助或救助费用之后的价值之间存在差额,根据本保险的责任,按照本保险的保险金额与该差额的比例,或当承保额外责任的保险金额总和超过该差额时,按本保险的保险金额与该保险金额的总和的比例,承担责任。
  6.4.2 施救费用。根据本船体和机器保险可以获得补偿,但未获全额补偿是由于船舶的保险价值与为确定根据船体和机器保险的补偿额采用的船舶价值之间存在差额,本保险下的责任为按照本保险的保险金额与该差额的比例,或当承保额外责任的保险金额总和超过该差额时,按本保险的保险金额与该保险金额的总和的比例,承担责任。

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