5.5 any claim for expenses arising from delay except such expenses as would be recoverable in principle in English law and practice under the York-Antwerp Rules 1994.
5 除外
5.1 下列原因引起的灭失、损害、责任或费用
5.1.2 征购,无论是为所有权还是使用权,或征用
5.1.3 由保险船舶所有国或登记国的政府、公共或地方权力机构或根据其命令实施的捕获、扣押、扣留、管制、拘押、没收或征用。
5.1.4 根据检疫法规或由于违反海关或贸易法规引起的扣留、管制、拘押、没收或征用
5.1.5 实施普通的司法程序,未提供担保,或未支付罚金或罚款或任何财务原因。
5.1.6 海盗(但本项除外不影响根据1.4款承保的风险)
5.2 由下列原因直接或间接引起或可归因于或造成的灭失、损害、责任或费用
5.2.1 任何核燃料或核废料或从核燃料的燃烧产生的放射性或电离幅射污染。
5.2.2 任何核装置、反应堆、或其他核装备或核组件的放射性、有毒、爆炸性或污染物质
5.2.3 应用原子、或核裂变和/或聚变或其他类似放射性力量或物质制造成的任何战争武器
5.3 1995年11月1日协会船舶定期保险条款(包括3/4修改为4/4的碰撞条款)承保的或除了第12条之外,可据此获赔的灭失、损害、责任或费
5.5 迟延引起的费用的索赔,但依英国法律和惯例及1994年《约克.安特卫普规则》原则上可获赔偿的费用除外。
第6条 终止条款(Termination)
6.1 This insurance may be cancelled by either the Underwriters or the Assured giving7 days notice (such cancellation becoming effective on the expiry of 7 days from midnight of the day on which notice of cancellation is issued by or to the Underwriters).The Underwriters agree however to reinstate this insurance subject to agreement between the Underwriters and the Assured prior to the expiry of such notice of cancellation as to new rate of premium and /or conditions and / or warranties.
6.2 Whether or not such notice of cancellation has been given this insurance shall TERMINATE AUTOMATICALLY.
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