另外,就管辖权的异议而言,在US-1916 Act(DS136/DS162)一案中上诉机构指出,“管辖权异议应该尽可能早的提出,并且专家组必须确保达到正当程序的要求。然而,我们也同意专家组的如下考虑,‘管辖权的某些问题可能具有如此一种性质以至于专家组在任何时候都必须处理’。” 〖8〗 同时,上诉机构在本案的注释30中还指出,“我们注意到这是一项被广泛接受的规则,即国际法庭有权主动审查其自身的管辖权问题,并有权在其所面临的任何情况下来自己决定(satisfy itself)它有管辖权。” 〖9〗
〖1〗 详见WT/DS22/AB/R/ VI。
〖2〗 见注释〖1〗
〖3〗 详见WT/DS146/R; WT/DS175/R/7.65。
〖4〗 详见WT/DS22/R/289-290。
〖5〗 详见WT/DS141/R/6.14-6.17。
〖6〗 详见WT/DS50/AB/R/87-96。
〖7〗 详见WT/DS132/AB/RW/36。
〖8〗 详见WT/DS136/AB/R; WT/DS162/AB/R/54。
〖9〗 在WT/DS136/AB/R; WT/DS162/AB/R之注释30中,上诉机构参考了如下著述:Case Concerning the Administration of the Prince von Pless (Preliminary Objection) (1933) P.C.I.J. Ser. A/B, No. 52, p. 15; Individual Opinion of President Sir A. McNair, Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. Case (Preliminary Objection) (1952) I.C.J. Rep., p. 116; Separate Opinion of Judge Sir H. Lauterpacht in Case of Certain Norwegian Loans (1957) I.C.J. Rep., p. 43; and Dissenting Opinion of Judge Sir H. Lauterpacht in the Interhandel Case (Preliminary Objections) (1959) I.C.J. Rep., p. 104. See also M.O. Hudson, The Permanent Court of International Justice 1920-1942 (MacMillan, 1943), pp. 418-419; G. Fitzmaurice, The Law and Procedure of the International Court of Justice, Vol. 2 (Grotius Publications, 1986), pp. 530, 755-758; S. Rosenne, The Law and Practice of the International Court (Martinus Nijhoff, 1985), pp. 467-468; L.A. Podesta Costa and J.M. Ruda, Derecho Internacional P[]lico, Vol. 2 (Tipogr[]ica, 1985), p. 438; M. Diez de Velasco Vallejo, Instituciones de Derecho International P[]lico (Tecnos, 1997), p. 759. See also the award of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal in Marks & Umman v. Iran, 8 Iran-United States C.T.R., pp. 296-97 (1985) (Award No. 53-458-3); J.J. van Hof, Commentary on the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules: The Application by the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal (Kluwer, 1991), pp. 149-150; and Rule 41(2) of the rules applicable to ICSID Arbitration Tribunals: International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, Rules of Procedure for Arbitration Proceedings (Arbitration Rules).