
  〔1〕〔2〕〔5〕〔6〕〔9〕Jean-Pierre  Regli,  《Contrats  d'Etat  et  arbitrage  entre  Etats  et  personnes  privees》,1983,P.5、17、144、25、131.王铁崖、魏敏编:《国际法》,p320、391。
  〔7〕Jura  Kuusi,《The  Host  State and the  Transnational  Corporation》,1979,P.90.〔8〕〔10〕史久镛:“论投资争端与1965年《关于解决国家与他国国民之间的投资争端公约》”,载于《中国国际法年刊》1984年,第81、83页。〔11〕Pieter  SANDERS,“Codes  of  Conduct  and  Sources  of  Law,"《Le  droit  des  relations  economiques  internationales》,Etudes  offertes  a  Berthold  Goldman,  1982,  p.295〔12〕Hans  W.  BAADE,“The  Legal  Effects  of  Codes  of  conduct  for  Multinatioual  Euterprises",引自Norbert  Horn,"Legal  problems  of  Codes  of  conduct  for  Multinational  Enterprises,"1980,P.11〔13〕〔18〕阿库斯特,《现代国际法概论》,中文版,1981年P.101、86.
  〔14〕Feliciano,“  Legal  Problems  of  private  International  Business  Enterprises:  An  Introduction  to  the  International  Law  of  Private  Besiness  Associations  and  Economic  Development",  《Recueil  des  Cours》1966,118,P.220〔15〕〔17〕Cynthia  Day  Wallace,  《Legal  Control  of  Multinational  Enterprise》,1982,P.1、43-45.〔16〕A.A.Fatouros,“  Problemes  et  Methodes  d'une  Reglementation  des  Entreprises  Multinalionales,"引自《Journal  du  Droit  International》,Clunet,N3,1974,P.497.
  〔19〕〔20〕Ignaz  Seidl-Hohenveldern,《Corporations  in  and  under  international  Law》,1987,  P.P.7-9、24.                            

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