[2] R. C. Van Caenegem, The Birth of the English Common Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988),23ff。德、法都是在18-19世纪,通过罗马法的继受过程,借助所谓教授法,编纂了民族法意义上的法典。这与韦伯的论述是一致的:Weber, Economy and Society, 865ff.
[3]Caenegem, The Birth of the English Common Law , 88.
[4] 有关英国法律发展的“特殊性”(正是这种历史特殊性缔造了韦伯眼中英国法的“理论”特殊性),参见John Hudson, The Formation of the English Common Law (London: Longman, 1996), 233ff.
[5] S. F. C. Milsom, Historical Foundations of the Common Law (London: Butterworths, 1981), 11-23.
[6] 有关国王的两个身体的论述,参见E. Kantorowicz, The King’s two Bodies: A Study in Mediaeval Political Theology (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1957).
[7] 以下有关“金雀花改革”的论述,主要参考了Hudson的研究,参见Hudson, The Formation of the English Common Law, chap.5.
[8] 巡回法庭对地方行政事务进行的“司法”审查活动,突出表现了普通法作为一种治理工具的特点,尤其是在普通法的早期形成阶段,行政与司法活动的结合。参见Murphy, “The Oldest Social Sciences?”, 199; J. H. Baker, An Introduction to English Legal History (London: Butterworths, 1990), 19.
[9]Baker, An Introduction to English Legal History,15.
[10] Caenegem, The Birth of the English Common Law , 33。事实上,从封建治理的逻辑来看,国王并没有能力,也无意取消其它法院的司法管辖权。而且从治理与宪政的斗争来看,随着推行“普通法”的王室法院逐渐演变为国立法院(national court),并具有越来越强的自主性,国王反而可能会借助教会法庭等力量来与之抗衡(例如大法官法院与星室法院)。这种在复杂的司法管辖权划分的情况下形成的多元法律格局,具有突出的中世纪法团秩序的特点,是英国法受中世纪诸多制度持久影响的又一例证,这一点直到清教革命,甚至18世纪才有了较大的变化。参见Burgess, Absolute Monarchy and The Stuart Constitution,chap.5.
[11] C. W. Brooks, “The Common Lawyers in England: c.1558-1642”, in Wilfred Prest ed. Lawyers in Early Modern Europe and America (London: Croom Helm, 1981) 42.
[12] 当然,在这方面,英国法与大陆法的差异,除了英国法早期发展的历史特点外,也与与英国法偏重“私法”的倾向有关。早期王室法院处理的法律案件主要是围绕土地占有权方面的大量纠纷,因此,整个普通法的法律理性受到了私法的法律技术与理性的强烈影响。从比较的角度来看,英格兰这种围绕私法问题进行的司法治理的方式,使英格兰的“法治”与欧陆强调公法体系的“法治”有很大差别。也许正是出于这一点,英国法的史学家才强调“土地法”作为所谓英国自由的基础的重要性。有关普通法作为一种“私法”为核心的治理。参见Stephen Perry, “Judicial Obligation, Precedent and the Common Law”, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 1987, Vol.7, No.2: 218;马克尧,《英国封建社会研究》(北京:北京大学出版社,1992),124,及第8章。
[13] S. F. C. Milsom, “Reason in the development of the Common law”, in Studies in the History of the Common Law(London: the Hambledon Press, 1985), 150.
[14] Caenegem, The Birth of the English Common Law , 17-9; Paul Brand, The Origins of the English Legal Profession (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992), 23.
[15] Caenegem, The Birth of the English Common Law , 34.
[16] Baker, An Introduction to English Legal History,21ff.
[17] 马克尧,《英国封建社会研究》,12;Caenegem, The Birth of the English Common Law, 11;Milsom, “Reason in the development of the Common Law”, 154ff.
[18] Sugarman, “Law, Economy and the State in England, 1750-1914: Some Major Issues”, 216.
[19] 韦伯也隐约地提到了这一差别对两种法律制度的影响,参见Treiber, “‘Elective Affinities'' between Weber''s Sociology of Religion and Sociology of Law