[13] Postema在他出色的著作中,将边沁看作是一个普通法的修正主义者,似乎忽视了边沁倡导的法律观念的“哲学激进主义”色彩,其中的自然理性尽管带有普通法强调的“常识”色彩,但从法律治理的角度来看,却貌合神离。Gerald Postema, Bentham and the Common Law Tradition (Oxford: Clareden Press, 1986), Chap. 6.
[14] W. T. Murphy, “The Oldest Social Sciences? The Epistemic Properties of the Common Law Tradition”, The Modern Law Review 54:2(1991), 182-215.
[15] Lon Fuller, The Principles of Social Order(Durham: Duke University Press, 1981), 121ff.
[16] 克洛斯指出,布莱克斯通的这种“不知道”,“是任何想要成为普通法的伟大诠释者所不可或缺的。因此,布莱克斯通是这样的人,而边沁不是”。Rupert Cross, “Blackstone v.s. Bentham”, The Law Quarterly Review (1976) 92:527.
[17] Frederick Schauer, “Is the Common law law?”, California Law Review, (1989) 77:455.
[18] 转引自Sugarman, “Legal Theory, the Common Law mind and the making of the Textbook tradition”, 34.
[19] Hobbes, A Dialogue between a Philosopher and a student of the Common Laws of England,7.
[20] W. S. Holdsworth, Sources and Literature of English Law (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1925), 145.
[21] 杰弗逊语,见James Stoner, Common Law and Liberal Theory(Lawrence: The University Press of Kansas, 1992), 13.
[22] 这样说,有两个方面的意涵:既指柯克通过将普通法“现代化”,也指柯克将中世纪中法律至高无上的观念带入了现代法律思想中。参见John Undenwood Lewis, “Sir Edward Coke(1552-1633): His Theory of ‘Artificial Reason’ as a Context for Modern basic Legal Theory”, Law Quarterly Review 84(1968), 333.
[23] Sir Edward Coke, Institutes of the Laws of England, I,97b,转引自Stoner, Common Law and Liberal Theory, 23.
[24] A. W. Simpson, “The Common Law and Legal Theory”, in A. W. Simpson ed. Oxford Essays in Jurisprudence(Second Series, Oxford: Clarenden, 1973), 79.
[25] Lewis, “Sir Edward Coke: His Theory of ‘Artificial Reason’ as a Context for Modern basic Legal Theory”, 338.
[26] 转引自Alan Cromartie, Sir Matthew Hale (Cambridge: Cambridge, 1995), 32。从某种意义上讲,哈勒的观点并非比喻。英国的普通法在许多方面与自然法的早期意涵有近似之处,参见D’entieve, 《自然法》。而富勒有关“程序性自然法”的提法,正是继承光大了普通法的这一司法理性传统。参见Lon Fuller, The Morality of Law (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1964).
[27] 从普通法的这种法律理性的思路出发,现代分析法学中有关一阶规则(primary rules)与二阶规则(secondary rules)的区分完全是没有必要的,这一区分本身就是立法理性的产物。并再次证明了普通法与基于法律实证主义的现代分析法学存在难以跨越的“鸿沟”。对哈特这一著名区分的批评,参见M.J. Detmold,“Law as Practical Reason”, Cambridge Law Journal, 44(3), Nov. 1989, 442ff;富勒也从不同的角度出发进行了类似的批评,参见Lon Fuller, The Morality of Law (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1964), 141ff 。哈特本人对这一区分的论述,参见哈特,《法律的概念》(张文显等译,北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1996),第五章。该书将这两个概念译为,“第一性规则”和“第二性规则”。
[28] Cromartie, Sir Matthew Hale,20-1。饶有趣味的是,Cromartie将柯克的这种思想与德沃金在《法律帝国》中阐述的思想相比。从我们下面的论述可以看到,这一共通之处远不止Cromartie所强调的方面。不过,我认为,柯克大概很难接受德沃金那么强的“实质”立场,认为这种法律的完善理性是由“原则”支配的。参见德沃金,《法律帝国》,李常青译(北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1996),特别是第9章。
[29] Gray在探讨哈勒的普通法学说时,讨论了三种不同的法律变迁模式,参见Charles Gray, “Editor’s Introduction” to Sir Matthew Hale, The History of the Common Law of England (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1971), xxvi.
[30] J. A. Pocock, The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal Law: A Study in English Historical Thought in the 17th Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987), chap.2.