关于法官司法环境的几点思考 版权:A类
There are two kinds of approaches to the interpretation of law. One maintains that the interpretation of law is a technology. The other emphasizes that the action of the interpreting itself is the creation of law.
Based upon the judgment of the existence of these two kinds of approaches, the article brings forward two concepts on law .The article examined the condition of the judge in China. In the process of administration of justice, the state-enacted law met the resistance from the indigenous customary law. In order to settle such troubles, the judge uses various means so as to put the law’s power into the rural society. In the article, there are some reasons stated that to explain the surprising phenomena in the process of the administration of justice. Finally this article suggested that Chinese legal scholars must recognize the limits of their field and try to change the awkward conditions in contemporary China.
哈贝马斯有言:“随着法律手段干预之幅度、范围和微细性的扩张,它导致了一种向社会生活的不断‘司法主宰化’(juridification)迈进的总体运动。而这便是所谓‘现代化’过程的一个重要方面。”1 随着中国立法时代的结束,我们迎来了中国的司法时代。司法的重要性在于其是社会正义的实现手段,以法院为中心的司法机构承担着宣布正义、实现正义的独特使命。而法官则在无数次司法实践之中在具体化着这一使命,在推动着现代化的进程。但这种努力仅靠人的热情是不够的,要使这种努力有所回报,还需建设一个能维系人的热情的制度环境。中国的许多问题都具有其独特性,司法问题也不例外。本文以法律解释为切入点,在作出两种法律观念的初步判断之后,对中国法官的基本特点、司法环境及在此基础上的当代中国司法状况作了简要的探悉。在法治化过程中,不仅仅是法官,还有法学家、律师组成了推动中国司法进步的法律共同体,本文对此予以提及并尝试对中国法学的困境进行了简要的分析。