


  Lecturer Topic Schedule Classroom
Prof.Julie Cheslik   Basic Concepts of American Property Law  5月21日(周一)下午2:00—4:00 法学楼学生活动中心
      Disposal of property at death without will 5月23日(周三)下午2:00—4:00 法学楼学生活动中心
      Disposal of property at death with a will 5月24日(周四)晚上7:00—9:00 法学楼学生活动中心
Prof. Robert Downs   Comparisons of business entities of the U.S. 5月28日(周一)下午2:00—4:00 法学楼学生活动中心
      Securities regulation in the U.S. 5月30日(周三)下午2:00—4:00 法学楼学生活动中心
      Buying and selling business in the U.S. 5月31日(周四)晚上7:00—9:00 法学楼学生活动中心
Prof. Mary Kisthardt American family law  6月4日(周一)下午2:00—4:00法学楼学生活动中心
     Dispute resolution  6月6日(周三)下午2:00—4:00法学楼学生活动中心
     Special issues on women and children under American law6月7日(周四)晚上7:00—9:00 法学楼学生活动中心
Robert C. Downs
B.A., J.D. LL.M.  Professor of Law
Professor Downs earned his B.A. in 1963 from Kansas State University. He received his J.D. from the University of Nebraska in 1966, where he won the Roscoe Pound Scholarship and was a member of Delta Theta Phi legal fraternity. He received his LL.M. from UMKC in 1976. A member of the Missouri and Nebraska bars, Professor Downs served in the U.S. Army Adjutant General''s Corps from 1966 to 1968. Before joining the law faculty in 1978, he practiced law with the Kansas City firm of Linde, Thomson, Fairchild. Langworthy and Kohn. Professor Downs teaches Contracts. Business Organizations, Corporate Planning, Tax of Corporate Reorganizations, Securities Regulation, Mergers and Acquisitions and Jurisprudence. 

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